Coleção Brincos Gemstone
Os diamantes não são as únicas rochas que são a melhor amiga de uma garota. Belas pedras preciosas como onyx, garnet, amazonite, aquamarine e yellow jade adicionam toques instantâneos de cor e glamour a qualquer conjunto.
Combinado com metais como prata de lei, ouro e até cobre, nossa seleção de brincos de pedra preciosa certamente alcançará aquele visual atraente que você almeja.
As pedras preciosas podem ser encontradas em uma grande variedade de cores, e muitas mulheres escolhem certas pedras preciosas por suas propriedades de limpeza e terapêuticas. Essas pedras preciosas também estão associadas aos meses de nascimento. O apelo swank e carismático das pedras preciosas[012756 012751] é o que torna essas rochas coloridas uma peça focal favorita nos brincos modernos.
Tipo de produto
Agora Ouro (3) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos 2 1/2 polegadas (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 1 1/2 Polegadas (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 1 3/4 polegadas (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 2 1/2 polegadas (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 2 1/4 polegadas (3) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 2 3/4 polegadas (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 2 polegadas (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 3 1/2 polegadas (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 3 polegadas (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Brincos - 4 polegadas (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ouro 14K (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Prata de lei (3) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Prata fina (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Vermelho (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Amarelo (9) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Azul (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Branco (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Claro (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Laranja (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ouro 14K (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Verde (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Vermelho (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.

Brincos Nu Gold Honey Bee com Âmbar
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Nu Gold Honey Brincos de Abelha
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Brincos Nu Gold Honey Bee com Ametista
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Neve Quartz Wire Wrapped Sterling Brincos de Prata
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16 CT Carnelian Vermeil Fleur-de-lis Post Brincos
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13.5 CT Checkboard Corte Citrino 14K Brincos Dourados
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13 CT Brilliant Cut Green Ametista 14K brincos cheios de ouro
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21 CT Checkerboard Cut Citrino 14K Brincos Dourados
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21 CT Cushion Cut London Blue Topaz 14K Brincos cheios de ouro
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Brincos de Gota de Lágrima de Prata Fina Martelada com Pedras Preciosas de Quartzo de Neve
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Brincos de gota de fio fino de prata martelado com peridoto
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Brincos de argola envoltos em fio de ouro 14K com pedras preciosas de água-marinha
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Brincos espirais envoltos em fio de ouro 14K com pérolas brancas de água doce
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Brincos espirais envoltos em fio de ouro 14K com pedras preciosas de quartzo de cristal
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Brincos de Gota de Lágrima de Prata Fina Martelada com Pedras Preciosas de Apatita
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32 CT Ouro Verde Quartzo 14K Brincos Cheios de Ouro
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Brincos Amazonite Scroll 14K Dourados
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14k ouro cheio de fio de rolagem enrolado brincos gota com apatita
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Peridot Wire Wrapped Sterling Brincos de rolagem de prata
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Fio de granada envolto em brincos cheios de ouro 14K
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Brincos de Gota de Lágrima de Jade Fina de Jade de Montanha Enrolada
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Fio de Jade amarelo envolto em brincos cheios de ouro 14K
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23 CT Cabochon Cut Garnet 14K Brincos Dourados
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Fio de quartzo rosa envolto brincos de prata esterlina
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Fio azul obsidiano enrolado brincos de prata esterlina
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Brincos Enrolados em Arame Âmbar Dourado 14K
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Brincos de Ouro Martelado 14K com Topázio Azul
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Arame Âmbar Envolto Brincos de Prata Esterlina
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Brincos de prata finos martelados com granadas - Pérolas de água doce
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18.5 CT Verde Onyx Sterling Prata Flor-de-lis Brincos
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29.5 CT Bear Quartz Sterling Prata Fleur-de-lis Brincos
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23 CT Citrino Prata Sterling Flor-de-lis Brincos
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Amazonite Martelado Brincos de Prata Fina
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Garnet 14K Gold Chain Maille Brincos
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Brincos Martelados em Ouro 14K com granadas
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Brincos de gota de lágrima martelados de ouro 14K com peridot
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19 CT Almofada Corte Citrino 14K Brincos Dourados
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21 CT Citrino 14K Ouro Enrolado Brincos Envolto em Fio
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17 CT Almofada Cut London Blue Topaz 14K Brincos Dourados
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12 CT London Blue Topaz 14K Brincos Dourados
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Onyx Wire Wrapped 14K Brincos Dourados - Pequeno
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Onyx Wire Wrapped 14K ouro-preenchido brincos de gota de lágrima
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Arame Âmbar Envolto em Brincos Cheios de Ouro 14K
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Discover the Enchanting Collection
Elevate your style with the enchanting allure of John S. Brana's handmade beaded gemstone earrings collection, where each piece is a testament to craftsmanship and elegance. Delve into a world of vibrant colors, intricate designs, and unparalleled quality, as every earring is meticulously crafted to perfection.
Artisan Crafted Elegance
Designed by a San Francisco-based artisan with a passion for creating wearable art, these earrings are not just accessories, but expressions of individuality and sophistication. Whether you seek a statement piece for a special occasion or a daily dose of luxury, our collection offers something extraordinary for every style and personality. Embark on a journey of self-expression and adornment with these exquisite treasures that redefine the essence of beauty and refinement.