Nob Hill Arabesque Ohrringe Kollektion
Nob Hill Arabesque Ohrringe Kollektion
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Wenn Sie durch die Straßen des Nob Hill Viertels von San Francisco touren, werden Sie viele atemberaubende Beispiele von Architektur sehen, die von Oberflächendekorationen inspiriert sind, die auf rhythmischen linearen Mustern von geschwungenem und ineinander verschlungenem Laub und Ranken basieren. Es war eine Zeit, in der arabeske Ornamente und kunstvolle Schnörkel an Häusern und öffentlichen Gebäuden alltäglich waren, und diese exquisiten Details, die von der Straße aus zu sehen sind, haben die ebenso exquisite John S. Brana Nob Hill Filigree Earrings Collection inspiriert
Size (1)
Aluminium (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bronze (9) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Earrings - 2 1/2 Inches (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Earrings - 2 Inches (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Earrings - Size 1 3/4 (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Gold (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Jetzt Gold (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Kupfer (12) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Messing (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Nu Gold (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ohrringe - 2 1/4 Zoll (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ohrringe-1 1/2 Zoll (3) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ohrringe-2 Zoll (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Silber (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bronze (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Jetzt Gold (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Kupfer (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.

Damast geprägtes Messing Nu Gold Marrakesch Teardrop Ohrringe
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