La collezione di gioielli contemporanei SoMa
La collezione SoMa è caratterizzata da una sobria raffinatezza urbana contemporanea. Alluminio, rame, argento fine e sterling e oro 14K sono martellati, inseguiti e scolpiti in audaci orecchini e collane a polsini e pendenti in pietra avvolti in filo.
Ogni pezzo è costituito da una teoria geometrica di base di forme ripetute e sebbene alcuni possano essere abbelliti con spruzzi di pietre preziose colorate, l'attenzione meticolosa ai dettagli strutturati del metallo ruba la scena. I set coordinati di orecchini, collane, anelli e bracciali a maglie sono una combinazione bella e semplice o un polsino martellato audace può stare da solo.
Tipo di prodotto
Bangles (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Braccialetti (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bracelets (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Collane (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Cuffs (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Earrings (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Necklaces (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Orecchini (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Polsini (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Size (1)
Acciaio inossidabile (10) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Alluminio (17) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Argento (3) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Argento fine (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Braccialetti - 6 pollici (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Braccialetti-6 1/2 pollici (13) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Braccialetti-7 1/2 pollici (20) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Braccialetti-7 pollici (18) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bracciali - 6 1/2 pollici (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bracciali - 8 1/2 pollici (13) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bracciali - 8 pollici (21) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bronzo (14) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Collane - 24 pollici (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Earrings - 2 1/2 Inches (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ora oro (11) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Orecchini - 1 3/4 Inches (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Orecchini - 2 1/2 Inches (10) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Orecchini - 2 1/4 Inches (11) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Orecchini - 2 Pollici (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Orecchini-2 3/4 pollici (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Orecchini-3 pollici (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Orecchini-4 pollici (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Oro (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Oro 14 carati (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ottone (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Rame (14) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Alluminio (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Argento (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Blu (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bronzo (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Oro (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Oro 14 carati (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Rame (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
rosso (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Verde (0) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bracciale sottile in alluminio spazzolato
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Bracciale sottile in alluminio della corteccia
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Bracciale rigido anticlastico in alluminio texturizzato
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Piccoli orecchini a goccia di alluminio martellato
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Braccialetto in alluminio anticiclastico spazzolato affusolato
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Polsino in alluminio texturizzato di lino
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Orecchini triangolari a goccia martellati medi
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Bracciale sottile in alluminio texturizzato
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Orecchini a goccia aperti in alluminio martellato
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Bracciale sottile in alluminio di lino
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Bracciale sottile in alluminio Chased
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Mini orecchini a goccia in alluminio martellato
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Mini orecchini a goccia in alluminio,
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Orecchini a disco in alluminio martellato
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Orecchini a goccia lunghi in alluminio martellato
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Grandi orecchini a goccia in alluminio martellato
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Bracciale in alluminio in lino
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